The Night They Saved Christmas Drinking Game makes Christmas a special time with family

Number one, if you haven’t seen the Night They Saved Christmas, it may make your whole year, or maybe your whole lifetime.  Jaclyn Smith, snowmobiles, elves, overly expressive children! The whole made for T.V, 1984 awesomeness is available on YouTube! In fact, the only way to make this movie better is to make it aContinue reading “The Night They Saved Christmas Drinking Game makes Christmas a special time with family”

The world, it is a-changin’ (and I don’t like it)

Earlier this week I was discussing with a few friends how easy it is to become out of touch with what’s happening in the real world while living at La Selva.  Field work can be so all-encompassing, and generally our conversations are geared toward science, complaining about the food/station/parasites/failure of experiments/whatever, instead of recent events.Continue reading “The world, it is a-changin’ (and I don’t like it)”

Happy Dancing

I’ve been back at La Selva for a little more than a week now, getting settled in, finding office space, etc.  And mostly I’ve figured out all that normal moving in stuff. I’ve also wandered around a bit to look for webs, and discovered there aren’t many.  I’ve recorded how many sites that normally haveContinue reading “Happy Dancing”

The danger of being bored

About a week ago, I started to feel the weird sort of suffocation I start to feel after  too much daily repetition.  La Selva is an amazing beautiful place, but sometimes it gets weirdly monotonous.  It isn’t because the rain forest becomes somehow less amazing, or because I dislike anything specific about the place, butContinue reading “The danger of being bored”

Buenos dias!

Last night I fell asleep early. I woke this morning at a few minutes before six, to the pleasant ching, ching sound of a machete cutting off branches.  It’s not a sound I’d hear at home, and luckily here it doesn’t make me immediately think of murder. The howler monkeys started to yell and shake theirContinue reading “Buenos dias!”

On how to stay in the moment

First, I know not all people agree that this is paradise.  In fact some people seem to only see the parasites, the bug bites, the scary snakes, and other crazy things. To them this beautiful morning looks more like this: They aren’t wrong, at least not entirely. However, the last thing I want is forContinue reading “On how to stay in the moment”

On being lonely

Loneliness is an odd thing. I’ve been here at the station for a full week now.  I’ve found more than thirty of the spiders I’m looking for, practiced marking them, measuring them, though for hours about how I’m going to deal with trying to answer all my questions about them. I’ve watched a ladies soccerContinue reading “On being lonely”